Visiting LINE Indonesia Office

line office indonesia

On February 6th, 2015, Mr. Christian Lyman (CEO of and I were visiting LINE Indonesia office in Sudirman Central Business District, Jakarta, to give KotakGame Award 2014 trophy for its game, LINE Let's Get Rich.

That game was winning The Best International Mobile Game 2014 category in KotakGame Award 2014. LINE Let's get Rich is a virtual board game like monopoly which its main feature made players to play together with their LINE Messenger friends world wide in real-time.

Chit chat with Mr. Teddy Arifianto as LINE Indonesia PR team and Ms. Sasha Sunu as LINE Game team. Talking about LINE Indonesia, their plan to make its game famous in Indonesia and more.

In the office, I was impressed with its living room design.

Beside, there are LINE Messenger mascots statue standing in front of receptionist table, for example Brown, Cony, Moon, and Jessica.


  1. Mas skalian share contact nya Line Indonesia ya, mungkin ada yg ingin share

  2. Misi masbro kalo boleh saya tau kantor line nya dimana ya? Mengingat saya ada keperluan yang mendesak untuk datang kesana jadi sangat penting bagi saya untuk mengetahui kantornya. Mohon responnya ya, terima kasih :)


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